Heavy metals scientifically linked to causing diabetes

Heavy metals scientifically linked to causing diabetes

Fifty years ago, it was virtually unheard of. But today, diabetes mellitus, a serious metabolic disorder, afflicts more than 150 million people globally, with a bulk of this number hailing from North America. And researchers out of Asia, having published their findings back in 2009, exposed toxic heavy metals as a major, and perhaps even primary, contributor to this growing disease epidemic.

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Dangerous heavy metals in our diet: How healthy are the foods you eaT?

Dangerous heavy metals in our diet: How healthy are the foods you eaT?

MILWAUKEE, April 8, 2014 – According to the health site Natural News, many popular everyday foods contain heavy metal contaminants, including mercury.

So just how healthy are the foods you eat regularly?

”Our research shows that many common foods contain mercury and other contaminants,” said Natural News. “We are finding and documenting heavy metals in all sorts of dietary products, including organic foods, protein supplements, herbal supplements, beverages, vitamin pills and more.

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11 Chemicals Creating ‘Global, Silent Pandemic’ of Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia, Study Finds

11 Chemicals Creating ‘Global, Silent Pandemic’ of Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia, Study Finds

Children today may be at a greater risk of developing cognitive and behavioral issues including autism, ADHD and dyslexia, due to exposure to “new” chemicals, reveals an unsettling new study.

The study, published in The Lancet Neurology, finds a list of common chemicals are likely contributing to what the researchers are calling the “global, silent pandemic of neurodevelopmental toxicity” in children, reports Forbes.

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Natural News Now Publishing Heavy Metals Lab Results for Grocery Products, Organic Foods and Superfoods

Natural News Now Publishing Heavy Metals Lab Results for Grocery Products, Organic Foods and Superfoods

TUCSON, Ariz., Jan. 8, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- In conjunction with the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (ConsumerWellness.org), Natural News (NaturalNews.com) has begun publishing heavy metals lab reports for off-the-shelf food products. With industrial pollution worsening and many "organic" foods now imported from China, heavy metals and toxic elements are increasingly being found in foods purchased by consumers, including some certified organic foods.

Through NaturalNews.com, heavy metals lab results are available free to the public and include parts per billion (ppb) concentrations of Aluminum, Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury, Lead and Copper. Due to concerns about foods absorbing radioactive fallout from the Fukushima catastrophe, results for Cesium and Uranium are also included. Toxic elements are linked to diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, kidney failure, cognitive impairment, birth defects, hardening of the arteries and more.

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West Oakland & Berkerley Children to be Tested for Heavy Metals

West Oakland & Berkerley Children to be Tested for Heavy Metals

Residents who live near two industrial factories in West Oakland and West Berkeley may suspect that the air they breathe contains higher than average levels of lead and other heavy metals.

Now a new pilot study sponsored by the nonprofit Global Community Monitor will help them find out.

The study involves testing the blood of children ages 1-5 who live within a mile of Custom Alloy Scrap Sales, or CASS, on Poplar Street in West Oakland, and Pacific Steel Casting on Second Street in West Berkeley. The companies have been targeted by environmental groups for pollution issues that are compounded by their proximity to residential neighborhoods.

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